
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Impending update to member print

Based on your feedback, we’ve been working on improving the member print to make it clearer, much easier to understand and provide more relevant information.

29/07/2015 |

Payroll Provider Access to the Employer Portal

We’ve been looking at the opportunity to provide payroll providers with specific access to the Employer Portal.

29/07/2015 |

Completion of TR6 and TR8 forms when joining a Multi Academy Trust (MAT)

We’ve created a simple table to help you understand whether a TR6 or TR8 is required or not.

29/07/2015 |

Overdue Annual Returns

Employers who fail to meet their responsibilities may be reported to the Pensions Regulator, who may choose to impose sanctions on the employer.

29/07/2015 |

Information on Auto Enrolment

We’re currently working with stakeholders to improve the Auto Enrolment section of our website, aiming to provide you with easier, step by step journeys.

29/07/2015 |

Issues with STU files not automatically being processed

A number of STU files are not being processed automatically due to a series of errors.

29/07/2015 |

HMRC National Insurance Contribution Changes

HMRC will be making some changes to the rate of National Insurance contributions from April 2016.

07/07/2015 |