Our calculators haven't yet been updated to reflect the Transitional Protection changes.  

Estimate your final pension value

Before using this calculator please read the important information below. This includes how changes to the Teachers' Pension Scheme in April 2015 may affect you. This calculator may not be suitable for Part-Time members with an irregular working pattern.

Step 1 of 2

Your date of birth: Please select a valid date

Your current employment is:

When did you begin working part time? Please select a valid date

hours per week Please enter a value Please enter a numeric value Your weekly hours cannot be less than 1 Your weekly hours cannot be more than 35

Please enter a value Please enter a numeric value Your current salary cannot be less than £5000 Your current salary cannot be greater than £250,000

Did you know?

You can see a personalised estimate of your pension progress with My Pension Online.

What this calculator can and can't tell you

What This Calculator Can Tell You
  • An estimate of your final pension, based on both a final salary and a career average pension scheme.
  • Service up to today and projected service up to your Normal Pension Age (NPA).
  • The maximum tax free lump sum that you may be entitled to receive.
  • The maximum amount of basic pension that you would sacrifice in order to take the maximum lump sum.
  • Your normal retirement age (with a career average pension).
  • Your current contribution level.
  • Your full pension which has been reduced to take into account that you are retiring early.
  • An estimate of your benefits based on full time employment
  • An estimate of your benefits based on fixed part time employment.
What This Calculator Can't Tell You
  • Our calculators haven’t yet been updated to reflect the changes being introduced because of Transitional Protection. The results don’t include the changes required for the remedy period (1 April 2015 to 31 March 2022). More information on Transitional Protection is available in Scheme Changes.
  • About any optional benefits such as additional pension and additional voluntary contributions.
  • The entitlements your spouse or partner may receive.
  • How your pension is calculated.
  • If you are classified as a high earner and have certain protections, you may be eligible to take more than £250,000 as a lump sum.
  • The impact of actuarial reduction of your benefits if you select a retirement date earlier than the normal pension age for the benefits. If you do select an early retirement age your actual benefits will be lower than illustrated here.

If you have any questions related to this calculator please contact us.

Important information

Please note that this calculator has been updated recently to remove the 2.2% inflation assumption from the annual revaluation of career average pension benefits. This change has been made based on feedback, as we recognised there’s a risk that the estimates could have over or understated the effect actual future levels of inflation will have. This means that the pension estimates provided by the calculator are now shown at today’s value and are, therefore, hopefully easier to relate to. This also means the estimates may be lower than previous estimates from the calculator which doesn’t mean the value of the benefits you’ve built up has changed. Rather that now, the modeller doesn’t forecast how it’ll grow in line with inflation in the future.

We also plan to implement further developments to the calculator in the coming months to better reflect how career average benefits are built up based on salary in each year before retirement, with the aim of providing a more accurate and useful estimate. The calculator currently uses a single salary figure based on what a user enters for “Projected final salary when you retire”. This means that the estimates from the calculator don’t necessarily reflect how salary might change over time for those members who reduce their hours or responsibilities prior to retirement.


For pension benefits in the career average arrangement we have assumed an annual revaluation of 1.6% which is applied to the accrued pension of active members. Note that: the actual rate of inflation will vary over the course of your career; and if you leave pensionable service and do not return within 5 years the annual revaluation applied from the point of the break will be solely based on the Pensions Increase figure provided by HM Treasury (usually the rate of inflation in the preceding September) without the additional 1.6% provided to active members.

No revaluation is applied to the estimate of final salary benefits, which is based on the salary provided multiplied by the number of years service multiplied by the accrual rate (1/80 if you joined before 2007, otherwise 1/60).

This calculator provides an illustration of benefits that you may receive when the reforms to the Teachers' Pension Scheme are implemented. The illustration provided should not be relied on. Read our guide on how to use our estimated final pension calculator to see the assumptions it makes.

If you are unsure of any details check your annual benefit statement or online account.


To find the methodology used behind this calculator, click here