Delays in Providing RSS

Thanks for your patience as we implement the Transitional Protection remedy. We’re in the process of preparing and sending Remediable Service Statements (RSS) to retired members affected by the changes, these allow them to choose between having their service during the remedy period as either final salary or career average.

Due to circumstances beyond our control as scheme administrator, we’ve had to revise our original delivery timelines.

Where pension benefits were already in payment when the legislation took effect on 1 October 2023, complex issues were identified early this year regarding pension tax and interest processes that required lengthy investigation by the DfE. This was with support from HM Treasury, HMRC, legal advisors and the other affected public service schemes (as it’s important to provide as consistent a remedy as possible to the identified discrimination). IT Development and staff training could only continue once these queries were resolved.

We’ve now resumed issuing rectification RSSs to retired members, however due to the volumes it won’t be possible to issue all of them by the end of March 2025. Our current forecast is that we’ll issue approximately 125,000 RSSs for retired members by September 2025, with over 101,000 of those issued between October 2024 and the end of March 2025.

These figures are based on certain assumptions around, among other factors, response rates, level of enquiries and average handling times. We’ll be monitoring progress against this forecast and will provide further updates as the work progresses.

We’d like to assure you that we recognise the importance of receiving your RSS and we’re working through the cases as quickly as possible. Our analysis suggests that most retired members will already be in receipt of the optimum benefits for them.

Where different benefits are chosen for the remedy period other than those already in payment, interest is applicable from the original date of entitlement. Original pension benefits will continue to be paid until members receive their RSS and make an alternative choice, should that be their decision.

Members who take their pension benefits after 1 October 2023 aren’t affected by these delays as the issue related to backdating any changes to the date of entitlement. It’s still important for members planning retirement to submit a pension application six months in advance of your retirement to allow sufficient time for you to receive your retirement RSS and make your decision.

Last Updated: 23/10/2024 12:36