
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Monthly Data Collection improvements

There’s been a number of improvements to certain elements of the Monthly Data Collection process

23/07/2019 |

Change to employer contribution from September 2019

The increase will come into effect from1 September 2019.

18/07/2019 |

Monthly Contribution Reconciliation supporting templates

We’ve released a further three documents to help support you with MCR

18/07/2019 |

Arrears of contributions invoices

Currently, we have a number of outstanding arrears of contributions invoices and some have a due date going back to previous financial years.

18/07/2019 |

Retirement process

Keeping members up to date during the retirement process.

18/07/2019 |

Web chat is coming

We’re launching web chat as a contact option to our members from Monday 5 August.

18/07/2019 |


Our September and October seminar & webinar events are available for you to register to on our website now.

18/07/2019 |

Monthly contributions

When you submit your payment of monthly contributions please ensure that you use a consistent note in BACS field 10

18/07/2019 |

McCloud update

McCloud update

18/07/2019 |