
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

End of Year Certificate reminder

We previously explained that the contact we have noted in our system that deals with the EOYC process will have received the contribution cash email on 28 April 2020.

21/05/2020 |

Contributions Monthly Breakdown Form

We appreciate for ease you may have created your own version of the Monthly Breakdown Form. It’s important however to keep the current header of ‘2019’ and not change it to ‘2020’.

21/05/2020 |

Employer Support helpline temporary closure

We’ve previously informed you that our Employer Support helpline is currently closed, and will remain closed until further notice, but we’re still here to help you with your queries via email.

21/05/2020 |

COVID-19 update

Last month we explained to you that due to the need for more updates surrounding the ongoing changes because of COVID-19, we’d created a dedicated web page which includes FAQs as well as Scheme updates to help you.

21/05/2020 |

Teachers' Pensions Action Forum (TPAF) update

As you may know our first TPAF event of the year was due to be held in May. Due to government guidelines we’ve had to cancel this event and we’ll be rescheduling it on 17 November 2020 instead.

21/05/2020 |

Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) on-boarding

Last month we explained that the MCR pilot is due to begin from July 2020 with first data being accepted on or after 1 August 2020, and in time for us to receive your payment by 15 August 2020.

21/05/2020 |

Contractual enrolment new post in the same LA or MAT

When a teacher working in a Local Authority (LA) or Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) moves to a new post, either in the same school or at another school within the LA or MAT, they must be contractually enrolled for that new post.

21/05/2020 |

Member Benefit Statements

We’re currently delivering a campaign to all active and deferred members to remind them that their Benefit Statement is available online and that it’s updated monthly (if they’re an active member).

21/05/2020 |

Possible missing service for potential retirees

Due to high volumes of members we expect to retire at the end of this academic year, please can you ensure the application is with us as soon as possible and that service and salary information is checked for accuracy and is final and correct.

21/05/2020 |