
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Important information for retired members living overseas

If you’re living overseas please be assured that once the UK leaves the European Union, there won’t be any changes to your pension and your payments will still be paid into your overseas account as normal.

25/04/2019 |

Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board

The Teachers’ Pension Scheme Pension Board was set up in 2015 to provide additional assurance to members, employers, the Secretary of State for Education and taxpayers that the Teachers’ Pension Scheme is being administered efficiently, effectively and in accordance with the Scheme rules.

16/04/2019 |

Changes to CETV form

With immediate effect, if you require a Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (CETV) you’ll no longer need to ask your employers to fill out part B of the application form.

15/04/2019 |

Teachers’ Pensions Valuation Report

Every four years, the Government Actuary’s Department carries out a valuation of all unfunded public service pension schemes, including the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.

10/04/2019 |

Member presentations

It’s came to our attention that a number of companies, such as ‘Teachers’ Planning Retirement’ and the ‘Teachers Retirement Agency are offering seminars for teachers approaching retirement.

05/04/2019 |