Consulting members about the tax changes

We mentioned in the last bulletin how changes announced in the Government’s July budget will impact on tax free allowances, including the Annual Allowance and Lifetime Allowance.

We’ve identified members who potentially may be affected by these changes and, where we hold an email address, have recently been in touch to inform them of the changes. We’ve suggested they may want to seek advice from an independent advisor to assess how it may affect their personal circumstances and signposted them to the new tax section on our website.

We’re only able to advise those members who we have email contact details for, but you may want to ensure that all of your employees are aware of these changes. If you’d like to circulate the information we’ve sent you can access it here (OFT, 42 KB) (This link opens in a new window).

For further information visit our dedication website section.

Last Updated: 19/06/2019 12:59