Keeping your up to date regarding their Benefit Statements

As you know, earlier this year implemented online only Benefit Statements. We’re also pleased to inform you that Phased Retirement members, Additional Service After Retirement (ASAR) and Pension Credit Members (PCM) can now access their online Statement too.

For those employers who’ve just completed their Annual Service Return, you may want to inform your employees that their Statements have been updated to include the latest service information you’ve provided.  

For those employers who have moved to Monthly Data Collection, it’s worth reminding members that their Statements are updated month on month.

Online Benefit Statements are a part of our commitment to help members have access to their details, securely, anytime they need to. If you haven’t done so already, we’d appreciate it if you’d support us in advising members that these Statements are now available.

If any of your teachers need help on understanding their Statement, why not signpost them to the following useful resources:-

Members must have a My Pension Online account to view the Statement.

All they need to register is:



Teachers’ Pensions reference number (also known as their DfE number)


National Insurance number


Email address - we recommend a personal email address

Last Updated: 28/08/2018 14:47