You need to get on-board with MDC – have a flying start to the new academic year

The start of the new term sees more employers taking the opportunity to make the move to MDC instead of waiting for the deadline date (December 2017). WE have limited availability across many months now and would advise all employers who have not booked their boarding slot to make contact with us to avoid missing the deadline.

If you use a payroll provider or software provider, we have lots of information about how they’re progressing with developing a solution to support MDC, so please get in contact with us today for an update.

If you’re not sure how MDC will work then watch our new video to answer your questions. You can also sign up to our webinar or read our guidelines document to find out more.

If you think you’re ready to start using MDC complete the ‘activation form’ and return to

You can also phone us on 0345 300 3756 (Option 5 and Option 1).

Last Updated: 09/07/2019 14:27