Monthly Data Collection (MDC) General Update

Errors with forename and surname columns

Can we remind those using MDC of an error that keeps occurring regarding the forename and surname columns.  We’re having instances where these are not being placed in the correct order, causing errors. 

Please check all member forename and surname entries and correct any errors prior to next month’s submission. 

Employers supported by Multi Academy Trust and Payroll Providers

We know that many of you will use a Payroll Provider to support you in delivering the administration of the Scheme, or be part of Multi Academy Trust.  We’re seeking your support to ensure that whichever you use the correct LA/establishment number is provided within their data file.

If the correct number is not used, then the file will be rejected and the establishments will not be matched to schools held under the Payroll / MAT umbrella.

Further information can be found here or in the Specification Document.

MDC and monthly contributions

Can we remind you that you’re still required to submit the monthly contributions breakdown form in addition to your MDC file submission.

Last Updated: 12/07/2019 15:25