Re-enrolment and the Declaration of Compliance Form

Every three years after your staging date you’ll need to put relevant employees back into the Teachers’ Pension Scheme if: they’ve opted out; they’re an eligible job holder; and you are not applying an auto enrolment exception to them.  This is known as automatic re-enrolment.

Part of the re-enrolment exercise is for the employer to complete a ‘Declaration of Compliance’ for their enrolment duties.

You can find out who the employer is by checking what’s written on the employees’ contracts of employment.  If the contract of employment has the school as the employer, then the school will need to complete their own declaration. They can still add the Local Authority PAYE scheme to their declaration.  If the contracts say the Local Authority is the employer, then the school’s staff should be included in the workforce numbers for the council’s declaration.  The school will not need to do a separate Declaration of Compliance.   

More about the Declaration of Compliance can be found on the Pensions Regulator website (This link opens in a new window).

We’ve created several new FAQs on our website to help you understand re-enrolment. 

More about automatic re-enrolment can be found at (This link opens in a new window)

Last Updated: 28/08/2018 14:42