Validation changes to templates

We’ve made a series of changes to the validation in our TR6, TR8, TR28 and MDC templates.  The changes to each template are as follows:-







Will not allow numericals

Will not allow numericals

Will not allow numerical

Will not allow numericals

First name

Will not allow numerical and less than 2 alphas

Initials changed to first name and will not allow numericals and less than 2 alphas

Initials changed to first name and will not allow numerical and less than 2 alphas

Initials changed to first name and will not allow numericals and less than 2 alphas

Previous name

Will not allow numericals

Will not allow numericals

Will not allow numericals

Will not allow numericals

LA number

Must contain 3 numericals

Must contain 3 numericals



Estab number

Must contain 4 numericals

Must contain 4 numericals



Address details

Postcode is now mandatory field apart from overseas

Postcode is now mandatory field apart from overseas

Address and Postcode is now mandatory field apart from overseas

Address and Postcode is now mandatory field apart from overseas

Date of birth

Must be over 16 years of age

Must be over 16 years of age

Must be over 16 years of age

Must be over 16 years of age

National Insurance Number

Must have 9 characters, 2 alphas,6 numericals,1 alpha and must end ABC or D

Must have 9 characters, 2 alphas,6 numericals,1 alpha and must end ABC or D

Must have 9 characters, 2 alphas,6 numericals,1 alpha and must end ABC or D

Must have 9 characters, 2 alphas,6 numericals,1 alpha, and must end ABC or D

It’s essential that you’re using the latest template, which you’ll find in the Employer Portal. 

Last Updated: 28/08/2018 14:16