Employer Support contact number

Can we remind you that the Employer Support enquiry contact number is 0345 3003756 and is solely for employers. In February 30% of the calls received were for non-related Employer Support queries and predominantly from members.

We’ve had instances where this number has been given to members, who when they ring are then advised they have to re-dial. The member enquiry contact number is 0345 6066166.

When you do ring the Employer Support number, so that your query can be answered efficiently and effectively, please ensure that you pick the correct option.  The options are:-

  1. Annual Return/Templates
  2. Finance
  3. Employer Portal
  4. Barred List
  5. MDC
  6. Other queries

If the incorrect option is chosen it could result in delays while your call is re-directed.

Last Updated: 28/08/2018 13:57