MDC on-boarding

December was the final month for employers to start their on-boarding process to MDC. If you’ve not sent your first test file to us, please make sure you get this to us as soon as possible.

2018 sees the deadline for all employers to be live on MDC. Employers must ensure that they adopt the MDC solution no later than 31st March 2018 to ensure they continue to meet their Scheme obligations. This will be the only way to submit service and salary details.

If your payroll provider has not delivered a working solution then you’ll need to manually upload the service and salary using the template on the Employer Portal.

If you require any assistance we need you to contact us (This link opens in a new window) immediately. Failure to on-board could result in escalation to the Pensions Regulator and we may need to inform your employees.

Last Updated: 25/01/2018 16:11