Queries on additional payments

We’ve recently had a number of queries concerning additional payments and whether they are pensionable. Essentially this is split into two areas;

(i) (i) School teachers (member working in the maintained sector) – details of what is pensionable can be found in the Teachers’ Pay and Condition Document (pages 25-29) (This link opens in a new window). One of the most common queries is around  lunchtime duties, which are not pensionable and fall under the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

(ii) Not a school teacher (members working outside the maintained sector) - additional payments are pensionable if they relate to contracted duties; a bonus under a pay settlement that applies to all employees (or employees of a particular class or description); or an amount calculated by reference to the employee’s performance, or the performance of all employees or the performance of the institution.

It should be remembered that pensionable overtime only applies to members who are in the Career Average arrangement.

Last Updated: 19/02/2018 12:23