A new report on starters to be introduced

We’ve previously advised you about changes to the starter and leaver process and how we have taken responsibility to contact members directly if we have a member’s email address. Members receive an email directly from us, introducing them to the Scheme and directing them to personal information in their My Pension Online account (they’re advised on how to register if they don’t already have one).

As it remains your responsibility to make sure your employees receive the relevant starter information if we don’t hold their email address, we’ve introduced a report within the Employer Portal to help you identify which of your employees may not have received the starter information. This report contains your employees who:

  1. Have not received the starter information as they don’t have an MPO account or we don’t hold an email on their record
  2. Have been sent an email (and may or may not have read it) but don’t yet have an MPO account
  3. Have been provided with the relevant welcome pack on their MPO however we have been unable to contact them via email

The report provides you with the status of that member in relation to the three options above. We’d encourage you to advise members of the need to access this important information on the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and suggest they take a prescribed action(s), depending on which of the above circumstances they fit.

More information regarding the starters’ process and copies of the relevant factsheets and guides can be found here

Last Updated: 28/06/2018 13:31