Finance update

End of Year Certificate Processing
For the avoidance of doubt, when completing the figures in the EOYC please provide the contributions that should have been deducted and submitted and not simply the contributions actually paid. There’s been some confusion whereby a small number of employers are using this exercise to confirm the actual contributions paid to us.

BACS Payments
When submitting a payment by BACS there’s the facility in BACS field 10 to input a reference. This reference is utilised to automatically credit the payment to the correct employer, as we update the reference to the employer record. For this to work consistently, the reference on the file must match the reference in the employer record (exactly by characters) and therefore your co-operation in using the same reference would be extremely helpful.

If you’re unsure of what this should be, many employers simply use the seven digit Employer Reference number for this purpose.

Last Updated: 29/08/2018 11:27