Starter and Leaver processes

As you know we took responsibility for providing communications to new starters and leavers back in September 2017.

This includes communicating with a new starter or leaver if they:

  • are Newly Qualified Teachers;
  • are members transitioning to the Career Average arrangement;
  • have changed employer;
  • have received a refund of their contributions after being in the Scheme for less than two years;
  • have re-entered teaching; and
  • have left eligible service in the Scheme or opted out.

Members receive an email signposting them to personal information about their circumstances within My Pension Online (MPO), but we’ll only be able to do this if a member has an MPO account or we hold an email address for them.

Where we don’t have this information it will still be your responsibility to make sure your employees receive the relevant starter and leaver information, but if you want us to take over this responsibility it’s vital you ensure your employees register for MPO.

The monthly report, which is available on the Employer Portal, tells you which of your employees haven’t yet signed up to MPO. This should help you identify those you need to encourage.

You can find more information about new starters and leavers on our website.

Last Updated: 26/06/2019 08:52