Employer support helpline closure

Our Employer Support helpline is currently closed, and will remain closed until further notice, but we’re still here to help you with your queries via email. Although personal details should not be shared via email and should only be directed through the Employer Portal, there are ways you can get in touch with us if you’ve got a general enquiry.

For service and salary information email serviceandsalary@teacherspensions.co.uk.

For help with using the Employer Portal or if you’re having technical issues email TPSTU@teacherspensions.co.uk.

If you need to register someone for the Employer Portal email EPRegistrations@teacherspensions.co.uk.

If you have a MDC query email MDC@teacherspensions.co.uk.

If your query is about MCR email MCR@teacherspensions.co.uk.

If you require Barred List/ List 99 assistance email TP_Support@teacherspensions.co.uk.

For EOYC queries email TPAudit@teacherspensions.co.uk.

If your query is around contributions email TPConts@teacherspensions.co.uk.

If you’ve got a training query email Training@teacherspensions.co.uk.



Last Updated: 25/06/2020 07:24