April submissions

We’re fast approaching the end of the financial year, so if you’ve yet to submit any outstanding Monthly Breakdown forms please do so as soon as possible to ensure contributions are accounted for correctly.

All service needs to be split onto two lines, one from 1 - 5 April and the other covering 6 – 30 April.

If the lines of service aren’t split in this way, you’ll receive an email explaining that there’s an error with your file. Every line will be sent back to you with the following message:

'Error - service line has been rejected for the following reason: You have tried to submit service which spans 5 April 2022, please re-submit service ensuring there is a split at 5 April 2022.' If you receive this error, please ensure this is actioned as soon as possible.

If you’re using MCR, the actual pensionable pay or any part-time earnings must be split proportionality between these dates and the contributions can be calculated on one line.

Last Updated: 28/02/2022 14:55