Finance update

Monthly Contributions reminder 

We’re currently receiving a higher than normal proportion of Scheme contribution payments without the associated MCR file/Breakdown form.

Please remember to submit your MCR file prior to sending over the matching Scheme contribution payment. The reason we ask you to do this is because your MCR file may be rejected if there are errors within it. If this is the case, and you’ve already submitted your payment then the Scheme contributions will need changing too.

It’s particularly important that your monthly Scheme contribution payments are correct as it’ll help you when completing your EOYC.

Maternity Pay


We’d like to remind you that for members who are on maternity, the contribution tier is determined by the salary they would normally be paid. Contributions should then be based on the percentage determined, and the actual salary paid. We continue to see the employer contributions being based on the ‘notional’ salary and not the actual salary earned which means contributions are being overpaid as a result.

Last Updated: 07/06/2022 08:43