MDC concurrent calculation validation enhancement

We’ve recently updated the validation performed when a service line is submitted when you use the concurrent calculator.

If you submit a piece of concurrent service and the part-time earnings are “£1” and days excluded equal “0”, you’ll now receive an error to state:

“Part time indicator present but part time salary and days excluded are blank”.

Some employers use this method to state the member has worked all days in the period.

When this is the case, the days excluded value should be “+00” as stated when using the concurrent calculator. “+00” needs to be used to inform us that the member has worked all days in the period. This method has been in place since the concurrent calculator was introduced but we’ve noticed some employers are not providing this correctly and so the error validation has been updated.

This validation has been enhanced as we need to ensure that the member has worked all days in the period. As you are unable to tell us the exact part-time earnings for a member in concurrent employment when rolling the line up, the “0” days excluded value is the default value produced in the Monthly Data Collection (MDC) and TR28 templates so we need clarification if the member has worked all days in the period and so the “+00” must be used.

If the member has not worked all the days in the period, then the number of days excluded should be provided.

This is only applicable for employers who are submitting service using the MDC or TR28 template.

This does not impact employers submitting service via Monthly Contributions Reconciliation.

Last Updated: 04/07/2022 09:00