Re-enrolment process

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has asked that we remind you of your responsibilities around re-enrolment. They’ve noticed that some employers are leaving re-enrolling their staff and declaring their re-enrolment to the very last minute, and are then late in complying. While some complete their re-enrolment responsibilities just in time to avoid falling into the compliance and enforcement (C&E) journey, TPR are also seeing employers starting to trickle into the C&E journey after missing their deadlines altogether.

To avoid potential escalations and a continuing rise in the level of non-compliance, TPR are going to start directly communicating with some employers to remind them of what they need to do and by when, and where they can access resources, guidance and information.

To help reinforce this message from TPR we’ve looked at some of our resources and updated them to make them more relevant. This includes our web pages, enrolment factsheet (PDF, 57 KB) (This link opens in a new window), email templates and journeys .

Please familiarise yourself with these, and the resources available on TPR’s website (This link opens in a new window) to ensure you understand your roles and responsibilities with re-enrolling your staff.

Last Updated: 02/08/2022 15:44