Updates from The Pensions Regulator

Below we’ve two updates from The Pensions Regulator (TPR).

Automatic Enrolment duties towards festive season workers

If you employ short-term staff for the festive season who aren’t on regular hours or incomes and are being paid through a payroll system, automatic enrolment legal duties may apply to you. This includes staff who work for a few days, weeks or months.

You must work out which employees to put into a pension scheme by assessing staff individually, every time you pay them, considering what their ages are and how much they earn.

Employees aged 22 to state pension age, who earn over £192 a week or £833 a month, should be put into a pension scheme which they must contribute towards.

Find out more and check your legal duties today! (This link opens in a new window)

Updates to Automatic Enrolment from The Pensions Regulator

Common error video clips

Employers are still making several common errors in relation to automatic enrolment, these include:

  • using the wrong pension contribution tax relief method
  • Incorrectly identifying elements of gross pay as qualifying earnings and as pensionable pay
  • the use of postponement.

Earlier this year, TPR ran a webinar for advisers that included information on these key common errors. They’ve now produced short video clips from the webinar which capture these points, these are live on their website.

New duties timeline tool

A duties timeline tool (This link opens in a new window)has been created to help you understand your automatic enrolment duties, what you need to do and when. All you need is your duties start date to access a tailored timeline. TPR encourage you to use their tool and remember:

  • Employers’ legal duties begin on the day their first member of staff starts work, the start date.
  • Even if you think you won’t need to put staff into a scheme, you’ll still have duties.

Last Updated: 03/12/2024 13:40