Providing documents


Below are explanations on providing documents as part of the process:

Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration

Grant of Probate is required if the deceased member died before receiving retirement benefits, or within five years of retiring and hadn't made a nomination and was unmarried or not registered as a civil partner and the estate is over £5,000. For digital submissions, please upload a clear colour photograph of the original document. The document will be rejected, and you'll need to upload it again if it's not clearly visible.

Death certificate - signed certified copy or original

Death certificate is required in all cases. We can also accept a letter from the coroner stating that there was no third-party involvement or any suspicious circumstances.

Solicitor's verification form

Solicitor's verification form can be submitted by the Solicitor if they don't have a death certificate. This is only valid for Solicitors.

Marriage certificate - signed certified copy or original

Marriage certificate is required if the deceased member has a surviving spouse at the time of death.

Civil Partnership registration certificate - signed certified copy or original

Civil Partnership registration certificate is required if the deceased member had a registered civil partnership when they died.

Decree absolute

Decree absolute is required if the deceased member was divorced when they died.

Dissolution certificate - signed certified copy or original

Dissolution certificate is required if the deceased member’s civil partnership had been dissolved when they died.

Proof of Interdependence

Proof of Interdependence is required if the deceased member had a nominated or qualifying partner. Examples of financial interdependency are joint bank accounts, utility bill or a joint mortgage. This isn't required if there's a Marriage or Civil Partnership Certificate.

Child(ren)’s birth certificates (showing full parental details)

Child(ren)'s birth certificate is required if the deceased member had eligible children.

Adoption certificate - signed certified copy or original

Adoption certificate is required if eligible children were adopted.

Certificate of continuing education

Certificate of continuing education is required if eligible children are over 17 years old, under 23 and are in continuous full-time education or training.

Power of Attorney (certified)

A certified Power of Attorney is required is the person signing isn't legally entitled to receive family benefits and is signing on
behalf of the spouse, civil partner or qualifying partner.

Proof of Guardianship/Residency Order

Proof of Guardianship is required if the person signing is responsible for the care of any eligible children.


This can be used a proof of ID.

Driver's license

This can be used a proof of ID.

Council tax bill

This can be used a proof of address.

Utility Bill

This can be used a proof of address.

Bank statement

This can be used a proof of address.

Letter from Doctor

Letter from doctor is required if the beneficiary is incapacitated.

Financial Support

Financial support is required if the beneficiary was financially dependent on the member at the time of the member's death.

Last Updated: 22/11/2024 10:22