Payroll Providers

Our Frequently Asked Questions below will help you answer many of your common questions about Payroll Providers.
  • Answer:

    No, as the Local Authority still retains authority for a maintained school any information will still need to be submitted by them.

  • Answer:

    No, because they’re not the employer of the member.

  • Answer:

    Yes a Payroll Provider can submit all the individual data.

  • Answer:

    A delegate form will need to be completed and submitted to Teachers’ Pensions by the Payroll Provider. This form will require information on all employers the Payroll Provider will be supplying information for.

    The employer is also required to complete a specific delegation form to confirm to Teachers’ Pensions that the Payroll Provider is acting on their behalf.

    Both forms can be downloaded on our website.

  • Answer:

    Payroll Providers are now able to submit service and salary information and monthly contributions directly to Teachers’ Pensions. This can be delivered for all contracts held by the Payroll Provider.

    Where historically information would be collated for individual contracts by the provider and then sent to the employer to update to the Employer Portal, we now allow the Payroll Provider to do this directly.

    We’ll allocate each Payroll Provider with their own establishment number once the delegations forms have been received.

  • Answer:

    The benefits of this improvement are:

    • Payroll Providers won’t have to provide individual data back to multi employers for them to submit
    • Payroll Providers can provide information directly to Teachers’ Pensions
    • The removal of some of the administrative burden on the employer(s)
    A more streamlined, quicker process as all data can be submitted together.

  • Answer:

    Payroll Provider access will be the same as that available to current employers apart from authorisation of member application forms as they'll still need to be done by the employer.  

  • Answer:

    An email is required to Teachers’ Pensions from the Payroll Provider to say that they no longer manage the school. We’ll then remove them from the contract.

  • Answer:

    The Payroll Provider will need to contact us and provide their relevant delegation form.

    The employer will then need to provide the relevant delegation form to confirm the Payroll Provider can provide data on their behalf for the new school.

    The Payroll Provider will need to provide an updated version of their delegation form to include the new school(s).

  • Answer:

    • They can submit information directly to Teachers’ Pensions as opposed to acting as a third party for the employer.
    • They can submit within one data centre directly
    • The new format will mean one process step is being removed, which should ensure it’s more efficient.

  • Answer:

    The delegation forms can be found on our website here.

  • Answer:

    No, they’ll not be able to as they’re not the employer.

  • Answer:

    No you'll still need to provide individual returns each month. With monthly contributions remittance, the values of the contributions are amalgamated together. Therefore, we can't work out how much would relate to each school.


How to administer the scheme.



Take a look through our MDC forms and guides.



Employer eBulletin's are available in PDF format.
