Payroll Provider Bulletin

Through the work we’re doing with Monthly Data Collection, we’ve gained more of an awareness of the many Payroll Providers who support employers in administering our Scheme.

With this in mind we’ve developed a bulletin specifically for Payroll Providers.  The bulletin covers topical issues related to the Scheme which a Payroll Provider should be aware of.

If you do use a Payroll Provider we’d hope that they’ve received the bulletin.  However to ensure they do receive it we’d ask if you could support us by forwarding the link to them.

Please encourage your Payroll Provider to get in touch so that we can confirm their details and send the next bulletin direct to them.

If we don’t have their details then encourage them to get in touch and we’ll make sure they receive the next one, which we’ll be producing at the beginning of the year.

Last Updated: 28/08/2018 14:26