Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) pilot group

We’ve received a fantastic response from those of you who want to join the MCR pilot group and due to this, the option to register to participate in the pilot group will be closing at the end of November 2019.

If you’d like to participate please return a completed on-boarding form (XLSX, 37 KB). (This link opens in a new window). File name: MCR Onboarding Form" target="_blank" class=" focusable">on-boarding form (XLSX, 37 KB) (This link opens in a new window) to us (This link opens in a new window). There are guidance notes (PDF, 1.6 MB). (This link opens in a new window). File name: MCR_A4_User Guide_Full_Version" target="_blank" class=" focusable">guidance notes (PDF, 1.6 MB) (This link opens in a new window) if you need any help completing the form.

For those of you in the pilot group (which will start in April 2020), your first MCR submission will be due in time to make payment for 15 May 2020.

If you’ve got any questions regarding MCR then please contact us (This link opens in a new window). The full guidance notes are available along with a template and template guidance on our website.

Last Updated: 16/12/2019 14:35