Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) error reminder process

As we’ve noticed some employers are not correcting their MCR warning errors we must stress that it’s important to do so, otherwise you may be suspended from submitting your MCR file. This could mean you’re not deducting contributions correctly or providing us with the information we require. This is a change from previous processes with Monthly Data Collection so please read this information carefully.

We’d like to advise you of information you’ll receive to help correct these.

When you submit your MCR file and we identify any warning errors, we’ll send you a file that contains these errors. This file will contain the warning errors that are still open and require correction. You may receive multiple files if you’ve errors outstanding for multiple months.

We’ll also notify you by email and send a notification to your MCR data centre mailbox that this file is available.

As you may need to perform these corrections on your payroll first, we’d expect these changes to be represented in your next month’s MCR file by providing the case number from the error file we issued to you. This will need to be in the ‘case number’ field of the ‘update line’, for the correction to be applied.

If you don’t correct the errors that have been outstanding for three pay periods, your ability to submit MCR files will be suspended until these corrections have been provided.

To help you identify the errors that are still outstanding on a monthly basis, we’ll send you an outstanding error reminder file on the 17th of each month.

If you’ve any errors open that will prevent you from submitting, we’ll list the relevant case numbers in the notification we issue to you.

If you’re unable to make the corrections in the error file itself and upload this, your corrections can be included in your usual MCR file.

All error files can be imported into the MCR template to help you review them. For more information on how to import a file, please refer to the MCR template user instructions.

While performing your corrections please ensure that any errors highlighted in Section A of the template are reviewed first before moving to Section B. If any errors exist within the template, please refer to our MCR User Guide which can be found on our website.

Last Updated: 22/02/2021 10:03