2022 Roundup

Last year was very busy here at Teachers’ Pensions, we thought it would be helpful to give you a roundup of a few of our achievements.

Our training programme has developed across the year, as we introduced MCR surgeries and MAT and Academy quarterly stakeholder drop-ins and expanded on member presentations. Going forward in 2023, we’ll be focusing on offering members increased training options based on your feedback.

We introduced a new event booking system which has helped with the administration of training, therefore making your experience smoother which was one of our aims last year.

There are also some new videos we’ve introduced covering different topics such as: an MCR bitesize video collection (This link opens in a new window), helping employers with their submissions, and a video designed to help new employers (This link opens in a new window) to the Scheme understand their roles and responsibilities.

Regarding Transitional Protection, stage one was completed in April 2022, and we were able to move all remaining final salary members into the career average scheme. Our aim for 2023 is for stage two to be completed.

We’ve had positive feedback from outcome measure surveys and implemented Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) to create an additional layer of security. This has led to your login experience becoming safer, faster and more efficient.

Within our employer focus groups, we’ve looked at communications from us to employers, Employer Portal dashboard changes which we plan to implement in 2023, employer bulletin satisfaction, and training, all of which are vital to shape what we deliver this year.

Keep your eyes peeled for more opportunities to get involved in 2023, provide further feedback, and benefit from the latest updates.

Last Updated: 20/12/2023 12:59