Phased withdrawal

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The Department for Education and Teachers' Pensions values the inclusion of Independent Schools within the Teachers' Pension Scheme. If you're considering removing your school from the Scheme, this doesn't close the door to the Scheme. If you change your mind, the option to rejoin at a later date is open. Similarly, if you've decided to choose Phased Withdrawal, you can change your mind and reinstate full membership of the Scheme at a later date.

As an Independent school you have the right to leave the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, or become an accepted phased withdrawal school, however you must consider the benefits that members will be missing out on.

If you're choosing phased withdrawal, you should consult your staff and trade unions where appropriate and advise that there may be changes to their contract of employment.

You’ll also need to provide an alternative pension scheme, the type of which is up to you, but you should be aware that members can’t transfer their existing pension unless it’s to another defined benefit scheme. New employees will join this Scheme if you choose to be a phased withdrawal school.

The various steps you need to complete in order to leave the Scheme can be found in our checklist.

Read our Leaving the Teachers’ Pension Scheme checklist (This link opens in a new window).

We’ve also created phased withdrawal guidelines (PDF, 275 KB) (This link opens in a new window) for those of you who want to take the phased withdrawal option.

Please Note:

If any teaching staff opt out of the Scheme after the Independent school becomes a “Phased withdrawal school”, they’ll not be able to opt back into the Teachers’ Pension Scheme with you, unless that school applies to become a fully ‘accepted school’ in the future and be open to new entrants.

After opting out, the individual will only be able to remain in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme by taking up another post with an establishment covered by the Teachers’ Pensions Regulations.

Last Updated: 11/11/2024 10:05


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