How much can you earn as a retired member?

Before You Start

Thinking of returning to teaching after retirement? This calculator shows you an estimate of how much you'll be able to earn without it affecting your pension.

You'll only need to consider this if you've taken, or are taking, your pension benefits as Age or Premature retirement, and some or all of your pension benefits come from the final salary scheme.

To use this calculator, you'll need to know the following information:-

  • your "salary of reference" - The highest annual salary used in the calculation of your average salary.
  • your "salary of reference effective date" - The day after the last date you received that salary rate
  • your "gross annual pension" - The current annual value of your pension before tax

If you haven't retired, these values can be found on your Benefit Statement.

If you've retired but have not passed your retirement date, these values can be found on your pension award papers.

If you've retired and passed your retirement date, you can get an estimated earning limit figure by viewing the Maximum Earnings Limit page.

Please note - only earnings for employment recognised by the Teachers' Pension Scheme need to be considered. Earnings from non-teaching work won't affect your pension.

If you've got all the required information to hand, please select Proceed to Salary Details to start the calculator.

What this calculator can and can't tell you

  • This calculator takes your salary of reference and revalues it to its current value.
  • The result of this revaluation, index linked to your salary of reference.
  • The maximum you can earn before affecting your pension.
  • The factor used in these calculations.
  • The implications for your pension if you earn beyond the maximum amount.
  • Does not cater for apportionment.
  • Does not cater for multiple retirement awards – this can be accessed via My Pension Online.
  • If you have retired on a premature basis any mandatory/discretionary pension needs to be taken into account separately for abatement purposes.

Questions on this calculator or the estimates it has shown? Contact us

If you are unsure of any details check your benefit statement or online account.