Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) reconciliation update

Good progress continues to be made on the GMP reconciliation process, with 1.3 million members investigated to date. We’re now in the process of reviewing responses to queries raised with HMRC in order to determine any further follow up actions. The deadline for raising further queries is 31 October, so all efforts are being focussed on ensuring this.

In addition, we’re correcting member records where an incorrect National Insurance Number (NINO) has been identified. Please can we ask you to ensure that correct NINOs are used on any submissions and that updates are made where it’s identified that existing details are incorrect. This in turn will help reduce any future contacts we may need to make in order to clarify member information.

Further updates as we near the 31 December 2018 deadline will be provided via this Bulletin.

Last Updated: 24/07/2018 11:08