New Scheme factors

We’ve recently received new factors (XLSM, 1.2 MB). (This link opens in a new window). File name: Factors Documentation TPS_EW version 20193" target="_blank" class=" focusable">new factors (XLSM, 1.2 MB) (This link opens in a new window) that are used in various calculations when member’s come to take their benefits or apply for flexibilities. These can now be found on our website.

We’ve yet to receive updated guidance for all factors, and the old guidance (identified as such on the website) is provided if this is the case.

Therefore, if you’re using the old guidance documents from our website, please ensure you also refer to the new factors spreadsheet (XLSM, 1.2 MB). (This link opens in a new window). File name: Factors Documentation TPS_EW version 20193" target="_blank" class=" focusable">new factors spreadsheet (XLSM, 1.2 MB) (This link opens in a new window) (rather than relying on the factors within the document).

Last Updated: 24/09/2019 09:03