Employer enquiries

We’ve now moved to Employer Secure Messaging for dealing with your queries, so please log in to your Employer Portal account to raise them.

The only exception is if you’re a new employer or are interested in our training programme. Please don’t send any member data to these addresses or other unrelated queries as they won’t be responded to.

Employer Portal Helpline

Call us: 0345 3003756 (8.30am – 6pm Monday to Friday)
Message us: Employer Secure Messaging

New Employer enquiries

Email us: EPRegistrations@teacherspensions.co.uk (This link opens in a new window)

Training enquiries

Email us: training@teacherspensions.co.uk (This link opens in a new window)

End of Year Certificate enquiries

Email us: tpaudit@teacherspensions.co.uk (This link opens in a new window)

Forms address (excluding Bereavement and Ill- Health)

11b Lingfield Point



Last Updated: 06/11/2024 09:48