Transitional Protection - Myth buster

With changes being introduced to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (and other public service pensions schemes), there’s lots of information being circulated and discussed about what those changes mean. And because we live in a world of various methods of communication, the message can spread quite quickly and sometimes can be misinterpreted.

Following feedback, we’ve answered some key questions with our Myth buster factsheet (PDF, 207 KB) (This link opens in a new window) to try and help resolve some of those uncertainties and reassure you of what the changes mean. You may also find our Frequently Asked Questions (This link opens in a new window) useful, to help with any other queries you may have.

You can find a plain text version of the Myth buster factsheet here (DOCX, 15 KB) (This link opens in a new window).

Last Updated: 24/03/2022 09:16