My Pension Online

daughter and mother hugging each other

My Pension Online is a secure online account to help you manage your pension.

It allows you to keep up to date with key information such as your payslips and P60s. You’ll also be able to update any personal details.

If you’re a teacher and are receiving a beneficiary pension, you’ll need to register for a separate account using a different email address (this is due to your email address being part of the log in process).

It's easy to sign up for an MPO Account. All you need is:

  1. Your personal details
  2. Your National Insurance number
  3. An email address.

You'll also need to set-up Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) after registration. There are three methods to choose from; SMS, Email or Authenticator App. We recommend you install and use an Authenticator App for MFA, as it offers the highest levels of account protection. For more information on MFA visit our website.

Last Updated: 22/11/2024 10:31