
Our webinars are free virtual training that you can take part in from the comfort of your own desk. You only need a computer or a phone to join. Our interactive webinars normally last around 30-40 minutes and they will be presented by one of our experienced Employee Relationship Managers, and are an ideal opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the Scheme.

Our webinars include:

  • Administering the Teachers' Pension Scheme - which will give you a general overview of what your administrative and reporting responsibilities are to the Scheme, and explain what you need to do on a monthly, yearly and ad hoc basis
  • Getting the best from the Employer Portal - which will explain what the Employer Portal is in more depth, how to register and log in, how to use 3rd party providers, its functionalities and the dashboard
  • Contractual and Auto Enrolment - which covers the differences between the two types of enrolment, what you need to do, who needs to be enrolled and when, how members opt out and the recording of service and salary
  • Transitional Protection - which provides an overview of Transitional Protection, who's affected by the changes, key dates, what do you and your employees need to do, how to keep up to date and key messages
  • An insight into My Pension Online and the Member Benefits - which will give you an overview of My Pension Online (MPO), how members register and the dashboard, and explain to you benefits of using it, web forms and their processes and pin and password resets. We've also created an Employer Guide to MPO  (PDF, 25 MB) (This link opens in a new window)so that you have an insight into what members see when they log in
  • Ill-health and Bereavement - which will explain different levels of Ill-health retirement, serious Ill-health commutation, the Ill-health process, death benefits and who can receive them, and the application process
  • Retirement Options - which covers what options are available to members including Age, Early, Phased, Premature and Ill-health Retirement, what we need to process an application, how pensions are calculated and final salary and career average example calculations

If you've on-boarded to Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) or are due to on-board it is required that you attend our enhanced training (at least one person per employer) which includes:

  • MCR Enhanced process overview - which covers what MCR is, why we're introducing it, what the process will be, how to submit your MCR file, errors and reviewing additional MCR files and checklists
  • MCR Enhanced data set and contribution methods - which will explain what data you need to supply, service and contribution periods, member information and contact details, salary information, contribution data sets and 'When Paid' and 'When Earned' methodology
  • MCR Enhanced scenario examples - in which we'll go through various examples such as deductions for a new starter, an employee on family leave, refund of contributions, an employee with more than one contract and back-dated pay increase to name a few.

You can check our webinar schedule, availability or book on to one of our webinars through our new event booking tool.

If you've not used it before, we advise you read our quick guide on how to use our event booking system. (PDF, 484 KB) (This link opens in a new window) 

Book on to one of our webinars today. (This link opens in a new window)