Employer drop-in sessions

training man

Our Employer drop-in sessions take place every month and cover the following:

  • An update from us around the latest news and developments in Teachers Pensions
  • A mini workshop each month covering a specific topic – please check the Employer Bulletin for further details
  • Advance questions - you'll be asked to submit any questions when registering for the event which will be discussed during the session
  • An opportunity to network with other employers
  • Any other business – if time allows

These events are open to all establishments who have members who are eligible to be in the Teachers’ Pension scheme and last approximately one hour

You can check our employer drop-in schedule and book on to a drop-in through our new event booking tool (This link opens in a new window).

If you've not used it before, we advise you read our quick guide on how to use our event booking system (PDF, 484 KB) (This link opens in a new window).

Last Updated: 18/03/2022 10:47


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