
  • Answer:

    What happens to any flexibilities a member has taken will be dependent on the choices they need to make.

    This will be in relation to elections already taken out during the remedy period and for making new elections in the career average scheme.

    We’ll contact members regarding their flexibilities after 1 October 2023. However, for more information on what these may be, visit the flexibilities page on our website. 

  • Answer:

    What happens to any flexibilities a member's taken will be dependent on the choices they need to make.

    This will be in relation to flexibilities elections already taken out during the remedy period and for making new elections in the career average scheme.

    We’ll contact members regarding their flexibilities. However, for more information on what these may be, visit the flexibilities page on our website. 

  • Answer:

    The government are developing the necessary legislation to allow this to be implemented. Until it’s completed there’s no legal basis for the Scheme to implement the remedy. We therefore won’t be able to provide information to those affected during the remedy period until October 2023 at the earliest. As we’ll have to contact all members affected by the remedy from this date, it’s likely to take some time to reach everyone.

    We’ll continue to update our members on our website. This will include information with respect to pension flexibilities, both in relation to those elections already taken out during the remedy period and for making new elections in the career average scheme.

    As and when we have further details, we’ll let you and members know. However, for more information on what these may be, visit the flexibilities page on our website. 


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