What do I need?

What do I need as a new employer?

Send us your contact details

It’s important that you let us know as soon as possible that you have become a new employer so that we can start to communicate directly with you. You need to complete the declaration form (XLS, 198 KB) (This link opens in a new window), which will provide us with all the main contacts at your establishment (this may be more than one person). The declaration form needs to be completed and sent to the email address under 'New Employer enquiries' on our contact us page. View our contact options for further details.

Register to access the Employer Portal

You need to register to use our online secure system, known as the Employer Portal as this has everything you need to administer the Scheme, with the minimum amount of paperwork. All communications regarding administration of the Scheme will be sent via the Portal so it’s important to be set up as soon as possible.

Once you’ve completed and returned the contact form, we’ll set you up on the system and you’ll be registered from your start date or conversion date.

For further information on the Portal we recommend you have a look at our Employer Portal Guide (PDF, 3.7 MB) (This link opens in a new window).

Once you’re registered

Service submissions should be provided through Monthly Data Collection. You’ll need to provide your first submission by 7th of the following month, via the Employer Portal. If you or your Payroll Provider don't currently have a solution for providing a monthly service submission, you'll find a template available through the Portal.

Further information on Monthly Data Collection can be found in our dedicated section.

Are you using a payroll provider?

If you’re planning to use a payroll provider to support you in your administration of the Scheme, we’ll need you to complete the delegation form (XLSX, 24 KB) (This link opens in a new window) to inform us of who your payroll provider is and to allow them access to the Employer Portal.

Your payroll provider can provide the following information to Teachers’ Pensions on your behalf:-

  • Contributions
  • Service
  • Day to day operations

It’s important to remember that payroll providers cannot authorise forms.

As the employer you’re still responsible for the information being provided accurately and on time. Therefore it’s important that you make sure that the contract with your Payroll Provider ensures that your responsibilities have been met.

Last Updated: 08/02/2024 16:21


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