Monthly Data Collection

We currently have two ways for you to submit service, salary, and contributions data:

  • Monthly Data Collection (MDC), requires you to submit an MDC file, contributions payment and the Monthly Contributions Breakdown form on or before the 7th of the month.
  • Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) which replaces the current Monthly Data Collection (MDC), Monthly Contributions Breakdown form and Enrolment forms, enabling reconciliation down to a member level. This process requires your submission of an MCR file and contributions payment, on or before the 15th of the month.

From the end of this financial year, we want to make sure we take the time to assess the current process. With this in mind, we want to give you the heads up that from 1 April 2025, we will pause the on-boarding process.

Monthly Data Collection (MDC) provides significant benefits to the Scheme, employers and members.

  • All new employers are automatically on-boarded to MDC
  • MDC supports you as employers and/or payroll providers to fulfil your responsibilities.
  • It allows you to provide service and salary information to Teachers’ Pensions on a monthly basis, as opposed to the Annual Return.

The benefits of MDC

MDC provides multiple benefits to both employers and members. These include:

  • Real time accurate information for your members (service is more up to date), reducing member queries to employers
  • Easy to submit – Teachers’ Pensions require minimal data fields making administration easy
  • Employers no longer need to complete new starter templates (TR6), leaver templates (TR8) or missing service templates (TR28)
  • Employers and members no longer need to complete Certificates of Re-employment in most cases. You’ll be notified where a certificate is required
  • It creates fewer service errors for both Teachers’ Pensions and employers.
Last Updated: 11/09/2024 14:14


Have you read our Monthly Data Collection FAQs?



Watch our video guide to Monthly Data Collection (MDC).



How to administer the scheme.
