MDC Support Team

We’ve a dedicated MDC on-boarding team that will be there to help you every step of the way.

The MDC team will be able to help with any queries you may have regarding joining MDC or the on-boarding process. Once you successfully transition to using MDC in the ‘live’ environment, any queries can be answered by our existing Employer Support Team.

If you’re planning to on-board or have any queries then get in touch.

You can find contact options for the MDC team on our contact us page. Please note this is for on-boarding queries only.

We’ve also created a series of resources to help you understand the process.

Last Updated: 30/08/2023 09:12


Have you read our Monthly Data Collection FAQs?



Complete the MDC activation form.

Download (XLS, 36 KB) (This link opens in a new window)


Watch our video guide to Monthly Data Collection (MDC).
