Family benefits

After you die, the Teachers' Pension Scheme can provide benefits for your loved ones. Find out more here.

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    In the event of your death a pension is payable to your beneficiaries. An enhancement is applied if you die in service or die after retirement on grounds of ill health with enhanced or total incapacity benefits. For further details on family benefits please check the Life events section of our website.

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    If you're married, or in a civil partnership, pensionable service from 01.04.1972 will be used in the calculation of death benefits for your family. However, if you married or entered a civil partnership after leaving pensionable service, only service from 06.04.1978 can be used.

    For qualifying partners, as long as you have completed 2 or more years of pensionable service after 01.01.2007, all service from 01.01.2007 will count towards the calculation of death benefits.

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    The in-service death grant is the payment made in the event you die while still in-service, i.e. an active member paying contributions to the Scheme. Remember, if you enter a period of non-pensionable sick leave (because you receive less than half your usual pay) you’re no longer in active pensionable service. An in-service death grant may still be payable if you die within 12 months of leaving pensionable service as a result of being incapacitated.

    If you’ve left service and attained normal pension age, but haven’t claimed retirement benefits before you die, the benefits you would have been entitled to will be paid instead of a death grant. The benefits will be payable to your estate.

    How much is the in-service death grant?

    The in-service death grant is three times your annual rate of pensionable earnings when you die or leave service (if applicable). If you’re employed on a part-time or irregular basis this is assessed as if you were full-time. If you die while in Additional Service After Retirement (ASAR) any previous lump sum benefit payment will be deducted from the grant.

    The in-service death grant is payable during periods of family leave covered by part-salary and / or statutory benefits, or a period of non-pensionable family leave that follows immediately on from a period of pensionable service. It’s also payable during: periods of absence due to illness as long as you’re receiving at least half pay; you were an active member called up for duty in Her Majesty's armed forces and made an election to treat the period as pensionable service; or you die within 12 months of leaving all pensionable employment due to incapacity; (and a retirement pension other than a Phased Retirement pension hasn't become payable in relation to that service prior to your death).

    If you don’t qualify for an in-service death grant an out-of-service death grant may be payable, which is based on three x your pension in the final salary scheme and 2.25 times the value of your annual pension in the career average scheme, had you been eligible to receive it.

    If you or your estate have not received five years of your pension, we’ll pay a supplementary death grant. The supplementary death grant is five times the annual rate of retirement pension payable at the date of death less any pension already paid.

    Please ensure you review your nomination regularly to ensure it reflects your wishes.

    To be extra confident and reassured you might like to make a new death grant nomination via My Pension Online (This link opens in a new window).

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    You can find the value of your family benefits on your award papers. You can access these at any time by logging into your My Pension Online account.

    Female members please also read the Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Goodwin case.

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    If you’re co-habiting with a partner (not married or in a civil partnership) they may receive a survivor’s pension, but you must have been in pensionable service since 1 January 2007 and either completed a minimum of two years’ service from 1 January 2007 or paid additional contributions to cover a minimum of two years’ of previous service for family benefits. If you retired before 1 January 2007 and have not completed any pensionable service since, your partner will not be eligible to receive a survivor’s pension. In order to be a qualifying unmarried partner there are certain conditions that must be met at the time of your death (This link opens in a new window).

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    Yes, if you are co-habiting with a partner they may qualify for benefits if you have two or more years of pensionable service after 1 January 2007 and certain criteria are met. You can tell us about your partner by completing a notification form, which provides details of the criteria to be met to qualify for a pension. If you're still in pensionable service you can cover previous teaching service within six months of first satisfying the conditions for a partner to qualify for a pension (when you start living together in an exclusive relationship, as if you were married or civil partners and are free to marry or form a civil partnership) by paying extra contributions for family benefits.

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    If you marry, remarry or enter into a civil partnership a pension will be paid based on all of your service from 6 April 1978. If you are co-habiting when you die, your partner will qualify for benefits if you have two or more years pensionable service after 1 January 2007 and certain conditions are met at the time of your death.

    Read about the conditions for qualifying for benefits here.

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    In the career average scheme the in-service death grant is three times your annual rate of pensionable earnings at the time of your death, less any lump sum paid when you took your phased benefits.

    If you die within five years of drawing Phased Retirements, your beneficiaries will also receive a lump sum of five years' pension, less any pension paid.


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    The rules on the continuation of a child’s pension differ slightly depending on whether the member was in receipt of a pension before 6 April 2006 or not.

    If the member was receiving a pension prior to 6 April 2006, the child’s pension will continue until they are 17 or until they leave full-time education.

    If the member’s pension came into payment after 5 April 2006, the child will continue to receive a pension until age 17 unless they continue in full-time education up to a maximum age of 23.

    A child may be eligible to the continuation of a pension if they’re incapacitated.

    In all cases, if the child marries, takes up employment or dies, the pension will cease.

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    If the member had pensionable employment on or after 1 January 2007 then the adult dependant’s pension will be paid for life. If the member had no pensionable employment on or after 1 January 2007, the pension will cease if the adult dependant remarries, enters a civil partnership or cohabits. The dependant’s pension will always cease when the dependant dies.


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