
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Join our deferred member webinars

We’ll be hosting several webinars during October for deferred members.

20/09/2019 |

Leaver email

You may have recently received a leaver pack from us over the weekend.

17/09/2019 |

Independent Schools – phased withdrawal from the Teachers’ Pension Scheme

The Department for Education has published a consultation to seek your views on the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.

10/09/2019 |

Amendments to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme regulations from 1 September 2019

The Teachers’ Pensions etc. (Amendment) Regulations 2019 (Statutory Instrument 2019/1134) were laid before the Houses of Parliament on 17 July 2019.

06/09/2019 |