Local Government Pension Scheme

Changes have been introduced to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, for members who have service in the period impacted by the Transitional Protection changes (1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022), known as the remedy period.

There are different rules if you've a full-time contract and an additional part-time contract, depending on which scheme arrangement you’re in. For these purposes the additional part time contract is referred to as ‘excess service’. This occurs if you’ve a full-time contract plus additional part-time contract(s). It doesn’t occur if you have multiple part-time contracts, even when they exceed 365 days.

If you want to know how your situation is affected by the changes, then why not use our decision tree.

Final salary scheme

Excess service isn’t pensionable in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme but may be pensionable in the Local Government Pension Scheme if your employer at the time was also an accepted employer of the Local Government Pension Scheme. If they weren’t, the service isn’t pensionable in either scheme.

Career average

The issue of excess service doesn’t arise as all employments can be pensionable in this scheme. Service from 1 April 2022 isn’t affected by these changes, however the rollback of remediable service from career average to the final salary scheme on 1 October 2023 will need to be addressed.

Last Updated: 31/01/2024 11:34


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