Updating Service

  • Answer:

    For MCR, warning errors need to be resubmitted on the next MCR submission with the relevant case number.

    The MCR system will recognise updates from any MCR submission made, not just errors.

    You can provide updates to service prior to your MCR on-boarding date only using the Monthly Data Collection submissions and/or TR28’s, as you currently do.

    Going forward from your MCR on-boarding date all service updates will need to be made through your MCR submissions.

  • Answer:

    If you’re updating service only and no contributions are owed or need to be adjusted, then you would need to provide a zero in the relevant contribution field.

    If contributions are required for the updated period of service, the actual pensionable pay in the pay period needs to be provided on each row the service update relates to. The employer and member contributions can be combined onto an ‘add line’ for the same contract of employment or provided on each row depending on which method works for you.


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