Once you have a MCR solution

Once the delegation form has been submitted, we’ll allocate the payroll provider or software supplier with their own reference number, similar to an LA and Establishment number. This will be a seven digit number, always beginning with 750 (for example 750/4005).

They’ll then be given a new data centre within the Employer Portal with the same 750/0000 number. All MCR files for the payroll provider/software supplier should be uploaded to this data centre.

When completing MCR files, the file name and file header (details on how these are constructed can be found within the MCR User Guide (PDF, 2 MB) (This link opens in a new window)) must always contain the allocated payroll provider/software supplier number (750).

Each individual service line within the file however, must contain the individual employer name.

As an example, a payroll provider may be allocated the number 750/4005.

This provider offers services for three separate establishments:

  • 601/7001 – Oak Tree Academy
  • 608/4005 – St Johns College
  • 401/5006 – City University

The file name and header will read as follows (for the month of April 2022):

  • MCR7504005042022_03052022_105359.csv – File Name


  • "7504005" is the payroll provider number we’ve provided
  • "042022" is the service and contribution period month and year
  • "03052022" is the date, month and year the file was produced
  • "105359" is the hour, minute and second the file was produced and,
  • ".csv" is the file format as a comma separate values file

The first 16 characters (up to the first underscore "_") must be in this format and match the first 16 characters of the file header -MCR7504005042022 = File Header.

This value is stored within the MCR file on the first row as the first value.

The individual service lines within the file will still show the school numbers – 601/7001, 608/4005 and 401/5006.

Payroll providers and software suppliers should contact us if they take on a new employer or an employer leaves their services.

Last Updated: 23/01/2023 11:53


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