Rollback - October 2023

Employer working

What’s the Transitional Protection Remedy?

In 2015, the government introduced reforms to public service pension schemes, including the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, which meant some members moved to the career average scheme. This approach was found to be discriminatory on age grounds and a remedy was agreed to correct this.

The affected period, known as the 'remedy period’, covers service between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022 – this is the period in which the difference in treatment occurred.

What are the changes?

On 1 October, as part of the Transition Protection remedy, all pensionable service accrued between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022 has been rolled back to the final salary scheme.

What if a member opted out?

If a member opted out of the Scheme, after 10 March 2012 as a result of Transitional Protection, they can request to opt back in for service in the remedy period (1 April 2015 -31 March 2022). The deadline to request this is 30 September 2024.

They’ll then decide whether their remedy period service is to be taken as career average or final salary. They’ll need to provide evidence of why they opted out and the unpaid member contributions, plus interest, for the period they’ve opted back in will need to be paid.

Active / deferred members

On 1 October 2023 an affected member’s remedy period service was automatically rolled back, and their Benefit Statement will be updated to reflect this. Although their current statement will only show their final salary option, we’re working hard to show both options. However, they’ll receive final salary and career average options when they make their retirement application.

If they took out Faster Accrual, Buy Out or career average scheme Additional Pension, or worked any overtime or excess service in the career average scheme during the remedy period, they’ll be required to make a decision as these are unavailable in the final salary scheme - we’ll be in touch with them separately about this.

As their service during the remedy period has been rolled back, this means they entered the career average scheme for the first time on 1 April 2022. As they’re a new entrant from that date, there are some new opportunities available to them to increase their benefits and those of their family.

  • Transfer service from another pension scheme into the Teachers’ Pension Scheme within 12 months.
  • Increase their accrual rate each year through a Faster Accrual election.
  • Buy-out the actuarial reduction that’ll be made to their career average benefits if they decide to retire before reaching their Normal Pension Age. A member must be in pensionable service to make a Buy Out election.
  • Purchase Additional Pension benefits to be paid when they retire.

Some of these opportunities have time limits and it’s important they take the time to understand their options. Please read our factsheet for active and deferred members (PDF, 244 KB) (This link opens in a new window) to help them understand more.

Retired members

Any service they accrued during the remedy period in the career average scheme is from 1 October in the final salary scheme, however they won’t see any immediate changes. As they’ve already retired, we won’t adjust their benefits until they've received your Remediable Service Statement (RSS) and confirmed their choice.

For more information on Transitional Protection, read our factsheet for retired members (PDF, 139 KB) (This link opens in a new window), to help them understand rollback.

Previous Pensionable Public Service Questionnaire

If a member has a pension in another public sector pension scheme, then it’s important they let us know.

They’ve the option to transfer it into this Scheme (there is a time limit on when they’re able to do this) or, even if they choose to leave it where it is, it might provide them with Salary Link protection. The Salary Link is the protection introduced with the move to career average that allows us to use the salaries in career average service when calculating any final salary benefits to which they're entitled.

If a member thinks they could be impacted by Transitional Protection due to pensionable public service held elsewhere, then please ensure they complete this form.

To apply they'll need to download the form (PDF, 243 KB) (This link opens in a new window), print it, and send it to the address on the form.

Last Updated: 02/08/2024 13:04


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