Ill-health Retirement

To make an ill-health application, you'll need to complete the:

Both forms must be completed. Before you apply, read our Ill-health Retirement guide (PDF, 567 KB) (This link opens in a new window).

If your ill-health application has been rejected, please read our factsheet on Ill-health Retirement appeals (PDF, 75 KB) (This link opens in a new window).

If, as a means of managing a health condition, you and your employer agree to a change to employment with a lesser salary rate, please tell us about it by completing the Stepping Down in Salary Rate Election on Account of Ill-health for Career Average Members (PDF, 252 KB) (This link opens in a new window) as we may be able to use your original salary rate when calculating benefits for any subsequent Ill-health retirement.

The form is only required for members who will take Ill-health retirement in the Career Average arrangement; members who take Ill-health Retirement in the Final Salary arrangement are already protected from a ‘stepping down’ of responsibility by the best 3 in 10 years average salary provision.

Last Updated: 03/11/2023 14:00


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